Our web-based non-conformance materials review management system is visible to anybody within your Intranet. Anybody can access it and based on their credentials can raise, assess, approve or close an NCMR.
NS-NCMR helps you get rid of paper, centralises important data and makes you more efficient in handling non-conforming materials.
NS-NCMR adds value to your organisation.
Just imagine, an operator discovers a non-conforming part, from any terminal he/she logs it in NS-NCMR. It doesn't take more than a minute to do it.
Instantly SQE (Supplier Quality Engineering) and Production Engineering are notified via email and SMS about the non-conformance and they start the investigation. Updates or disposition could be done within minutes.
No delays, no hard to read handwritten notes, no miss calls, no miscommunication, just hard facts.
NS-NCMR records and tracks all the relevant information for any non-conformance. User-friendly forms, with drop-down boxes and fields linked to MRP System, CAPA system make data entry accurate, fast and more consistent.
Powerful workflows ensure that nothing is missed, non-conformances are managed in a timely manner and the best decision is taken based on the most complete set of data.